“I recently found out that I could read animals,” said the pet finder, Nancy Mello, 39. She’s also known as a psychic, a medium, a clairvoyant, whatever you want to call it. She lives in — wait for it — Mystic, Conn...
“Amazing,” “absolutely incredible,” “spot-on,” and “you saved my life.” These are just a few phrases used to describe the experience clients have had with Nancy Mello during their sessions.
Nancy wrote about her grief for Scary Mommy.
"E.E. cummings once wrote, “I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart).”
My mom gave me the poem as a board book for the youngest poet in the house awhile back, and as I read it, the words stuck in my conscious as only the strongest memories can.
Today, the quote came back to me again as I was suddenly confronted with my grief. Like a wind that gently changes direction on a sunny day to bring in the clouds, the grief came in. I found myself crying in the most particular of circumstances: at an otherwise ordinary meeting. I wasn’t sure when the wind had shifted direction or when the clouds had come in, but all of the sudden, there I was, mourning my daughter...."
"How animal psychic Nancy Mello took her unique gift to the mainstream"
Communicating with animals has long been something desired by humans who want to connect with their four legged friends, past, present or future. For a gifted few, they are given the ability to communicate with animals, as this communication comes in the form of psychic abilities. One of these individuals is military spouse and mum of 2 Nancy Mello, a psychic medium, clairvoyant, and animal intuitive..."
"When someone says the word ‘psychic’, what comes to mind? Chances are that you have internalized the social stigma surrounding this field and you are ready to write it off immediately. When you do this however, you’re throwing the baby out with the bath water and you’re potentially missing out on something great."
Cómo crear un negocio a partir de un don personal con Nancy Mello - Animal Communicator and Medium
Animal communicator, psychic medium and occasional animal finder, Nancy Mello, joins Evan to detail her adventures. Nancy discusses how, from pups to fish, our animal friends have something to say, and she has the special ability to help connect us with them.
Woman To Woman host Anntricia Bray Smith discuss living with special gifts with special guest host Nancy Mello. Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Animal Communicator, Nancy Mello shares her story of what it looks like to live with special gifts that makes you stand out in a world that is reluctant to embrace differences. Like many of us, Nancy is a wife, mom, and business woman. Additionally, Nancy's gift also allows her to connect with people that are passed, help with current stresses, and communicate with current and passed pets, as well as help lost pets.
“Nancy Mello Miller is a psychic medium, clairvoyant, pet intuitive, and floor leader on the Groton Representative Town Meeting. This interview is one of the most inspiring that I have ever had the honor to host. Nancy shares the intimate details of her road from the darkest depression to running a business where she is able to provide hope and direction to her clients. I found this interview very inspiring and I believe you will too.” -Michael Whitehouse, Podcast host, Author, Speaker, Business person
This is to be a fun chat. Join me as I chat with Psychic Nancy Mello. We are going to discuss what she does and how it all works.
"“Amazing,” “absolutely incredible,” “spot-on,” and “you saved my life.” These are just a few phrases used to describe the experience clients have had with Nancy Mello during their sessions. Nancy is a psychic medium, animal intuitive/animal communicator, and clairvoyant. She can help with services from connecting clients to people and pets that have passed, making decisions about the future, letting go of your past, or even finding a lost pet....
"Nancy Mello is a psychic medium, as well as an animal intuitive/communicator. She is able to connect to people and pets that have passed, to help you make important decisions and let go of grief. Not only can she help with spiritual matters for you, but also for your pets, providing peace of mind for the whole family. With numerous recommendations and positive testimonials, Nancy Mello is a great choice for any looking for guidance through a psychic medium."
"Nancy Mello is regarded as one of the best animal communicators and psychics in the industry, Nancy has been working with a diverse range of communities and people...."
"Coming in at number 1 on our list in Nancy Mello, a well-known businesswoman who has worked as an animal intuitive and clairvoyant in her local community. "
Social media always wants to give answers. Answers to what you should have for dinner, what top you should buy, and then some answers to questions you didn't even know you had. So when I rescued a dog with some health issues, my TikTok algorithm had lined up hours worth of videos from dog trainers, animal nutritionists, vet techs, Bunny the talking dog, and finally, Nancy Mello.
"Nancy Mello isn't your average psychic. Besides reading humans, she also has the unique ability to read animals. Even dead ones.
She realized she had this unique gift, while playing with her pet pigs Smoker, Joker and Poker when she was a kid on her parent's California farm. Since then, she hasn't been able to eat pork.
She has been featured as one of the best five psychics in the U.S. by JosepVinaixa.com, and has a weekly podcast."
MYSTIC, Conn., Aug. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Nancy Mello isn't your average psychic. Besides reading humans, she also has the unique ability to read and find lost pets. In the last seven months, she has found 6 lost dogs and 1 cat, all from just a photo and a location of where the pet was last seen. But Nancy didn't intend to help find missing pets....
With Halloween approaching, prominent psychic medium, clairvoyant, and animal intuitive Nancy Mello offers her unique viewpoint on ghosts, the supernatural, and why we tend to be afraid of the unknown.
2020 is ending on a low note for many people, but for ten dogs, nine cats, and one mini-mule family, it's ending a tad brighter next to Animal Communicator Nancy Mello...
We are joined by psychic medium and animal communicator Nancy Mello, who specializes in helping reunite lost pets with their human families. Nancy discusses the oftentimes arduous journey that has led her to using her innate psychic gifts to help other people, and together we explore questions about the spirit realm.
Nancy Mello is a clairvoyant who helps people to move past the loss of pets and loved ones by connecting with them spiritually and bringing much-needed closure. Nancy does not fit the stereotype of a psychic that most people expect, and that has made her helpful services more accessible to the wider community.
Nancy answered some questions about the amazing work she does.
Greetings Nancy, can you tell us a bit about your early life and how you realized your clairvoyance?....
The death of a pet or loved one, even when they’ve lived a long and happy life, is always tragic and can leave many questions unanswered that make the grieving process more difficult. Nancy Mello is a clairvoyant who seeks to help people get closure with both their passed loved ones, as well as passed pets too.
Nancy was able to answer a few questions about the work she does.
Hello Nancy, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?....
Nancy Mello is an animal intuitive, psychic medium, and clairvoyant based in Connecticut, USA. Nancy’s abilities developed since she was very young, and over her life she has become even more in-tune with them to the point she can perform in-depth readings that connect people with lost or deceased pets, as well as deceased loved ones.
Nancy Mello is not your stereotypical psychic medium. As an animal intuitive and clairvoyant, Nancy focuses her skills on helping her clients get much-needed closure surrounding the passing of those closest to them so they can move on with confidence.
Nancy was kind enough to answer some questions about her work.
Hello Nancy, how did you start communicating with deceased people and animals? ....
When I was a little girl of about six, I decided that I needed a favorite pet. I asked God for help. I had run into the orchard of my family's farm in California when I heard my answer. It was the first time I can recall a message coming to me, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. I heard the message loud and clear....
The passing of any pet or loved one is always tragic, no matter how expected it is. There are always some questions left unanswered, and they can make moving on more difficult than it needs to be. Nancy Mello is a clairvoyant who seeks to help people bridge the gap of grief and come out the other side stronger and more confident.
Nancy answered some questions about her work as a psychic medium and animal intuitive.
Hi Nancy, what were the first signs that you noticed you could communicate with deceased pets and relatives?....
Nancy Mello discovered from a young age she had an extraordinary ability to communicate with people and pets who have passed away. Despite facing pushback in her personal life, Nancy has resolved to help her clients find the closure they seek in connecting them with those they dearly miss.
Nancy took some time to answer some questions about her background and work with her clients.
Hi Nancy, when did you discover your ability as a clairvoyant?....
As an animal communicator and animal psychic, readings with my clients never fail to surprise me. I never know what kind of information I am going to be receiving, and who I am going to be connecting with when I start the call. Sometimes the unexpected happens before I even take the call....
When your pet is passing on, what are they thinking and feeling? Animal Communicator Nancy Mello goes beyond the veil in uncovering what happens in those final hours.
Nancy blogged about an extraordinary reading with an special client that had just passed over.
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